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Eat your healthy heart out

AUSTRALIANS are eating out more than ever, so it’s vital healthier choices are available and easy to spot.

That’s why the Heart Foundation is introducing the big red tick for meals eaten out. Australians are aware of the Heart Foundation’s red tick on supermarket items, and now the foundation plans to move its tick of approval into restaurant meals.

A menu carrying the Heart Foundation tick means it offers healthier choices because it meets the foundation’s strict standards for saturated fat, trans fat, salt, vegetable or fibre content and size of meal.

Just as it does with food on the supermarket shelf, the tick on food eaten out must be earned.

To earn it, food outlets have to meet Stringent nutrition and quality standards.

The Heart Foundation ensures these standards are maintained by sub food outlets to regular random audits.

Michael P from Shoreline Restaurant in Nowra has been in the industry for about 20 years.

He has seen a move by consumers toward more healthy food, but says for restaurateurs the need to keep a menu, which has rich foods as well as strictly healthy foods, is as important as ever.

We’ve moved into using hot rocks, which are a great way to reduce fat in foods,” Mr Paris said.

With hot rock meals the customers get a trim piece of raw meat which they cook on a salted hot
rock. No oil is used in the process.

“I imagine those sorts of meals would pass a healthy tick test, And consumers are demanding healthier food, and I think the healthy tick means a lot to people these days. ‘I would have to look into it, but I would consider incorporating healthy heart food in my restaurant.”

Photo: Michael Paris with a meal that the Heart Foundation could give the big red tick of approval.

SOUTH COAST REGiSTER – Monday, August 28, 2006 – 41


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