Obtain Rental Rates

Rental Information Guide:

Rental Information Guide:

Hot Rock is not connected with any rental company nor does it earn any profits or commissions from them.

  • Each Instalment can be ‘expensed’, just as other business costs like rent, phone bills, etc as opposed to being ‘Capital expenditure’
  • Cash flow friendly with monthly payments.
  • Retains business ‘Capital’ by not utilising a large sum of money at once.
  • Off ‘balance sheet’, therefore it doesn’t affect the capacity to borrow for future expansion.
  • Tax effective up to 100%. ‘After Tax’ instalment below reflects the 30% company tax deduction
  • Fully claimed within the period of the contract, no depreciation schedule taking years to claim back
  • End term options including a simple 2 instalment ownership payment. off ‘balance sheet’, meaning it doesn’t affect your capacity to borrow for future expansion.

Apply: Please contact us, we will provide you with links to simply apply online.